
The 6th CLIC Conference invites researchers and practitioners to reflect on experiences and consequences of the health crisis caused by a world-wide pandemic and its effects on issues of social justice and diversity in the teaching of second languages and multilingualism in general. Through the lens of language analysis, we seek to understand (a) the renewed interest in multilingualism and second language learning in an increasingly multimodal communication environment (e.g., new media and technology) and, in turn, (b) how this new perspective on language/multilingualism can have an effect on second language learning and teaching practices.

We ask prospective speakers to submit their proposals on any topic that addresses the general objective of the conference. For instance,

  1. How has language teaching evolved due to the pandemic?
  2. What impact should the dynamic use of social media to prompt social justice have on second language learning/teaching practices?
  3. How could the experience of recent movements for social justice (e.g., #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, and many others) become a catalyst for pedagogical design in the L2 classroom?
  4. How does social media and the pervasive use of technology/mobile devices influence interpersonal and professional communication?
  5. What are the possibilities to increase participation in study abroad programs that are accessible to all students in the after-COVID-19 era?
  6. What are the consequences of the world-wide health crisis on creating and sustaining personal relationships and managing professional communication in multilingual environment?